Friday, May 27, 2011

The Healthy Challenge

I gave the boys a 3 week healthy challenge since I was going to be doing a Healthy Challenge with my friends and family. They were so excited they told everyone they talked to about it. Each day they had to exercise at least 30 minutes, watch less than 2 hours of screen time and eat 3 to 5 fruits or vegetables.

At the end of their challenge I took them to the Lego store at Washington Square Mall. They got to choose a Lego toy. I took a few pictures of the kids at the mall play area. When we got home I put all four Lego sets together (actually TJ did most of his own). It's a little addicting once you get started.

Trevor was in Bend with my Dad, Christian and Spencer over this weekend. I thought I would include a picture from their trip.

The curls are gone, summer is here (although you wouldn't know it with the awful weather we're having).

Amelia signing boat in the boat

The golfers in Bend

1 comment:

Jami and Rob said...

What a great idea! I need to do that health challenge again. Rob has been gone to Thailand for 2 and a half weeks and my Rob substitute has been a lot of chocolate! I love your new family picture.