Friday, July 1, 2011

A family Celebration

We took the kids to Outback last night for a family dinner celebration. Trevor received a promotion at work. We are so proud of him. It would have been easier to have left the kids home with a sitter, but we wanted the kids to know this was a special occasion so we all went out. The kids did pretty well.

Trevor and TJ playing tic-tac-toe
Russell really liked the bread

TJ took a spill on our driveway earlier this week (hence the red cut on his head).

1 comment:

Jami and Rob said...

Mmmm, Outback. We're doing an 8 day veggie/fruit juice fast (Rob and I), and a big steak sounds sooooo good right now:)!! Congrats Trevor! That's so exciting! Emy you have such a beautiful family. I hope to see you in August!