Sunday, October 2, 2011

10K Wine Run

I ran my first race Saturday with four great friends. It was the first 10k for all of us. Before I left home, Trevor turned on Rocky music while I got ready to leave to get me pumped up. What a nice guy. The nerves and adrenaline together turned me into a crazy hyper kid. I was giddy from the minute I picked up my girlfriends until I came home from the race. There were lots of ups and downs on the course with one Goliath of a hill I didn't think I would make it up, but I pushed through and surprised myself. Near the finish line I got one last kick of adrenaline and went for a full out sprint to beat the curly headed lady who passed me earlier on in the race. I ended up placing ninth in my division with a time of 54:45. That came out to be a 8:50 mile (that's fast for me). My friends really pushed me. I think I've found something I really love! I can't wait to sign up for my next race

Connie, Me, Ellen, Sara and Holly at the END!
Before the race, waiting in line for the bathroom

Me acting a little silly while stretching

Our ride to the race



Chelsea said...

You gotta love the race atmosphere! That's a great time Emy!!! Awesome job. You go girl!!

Beth and Wes said...

Way to go Em!! I think I'm going to do a 5K with one of my friends from work, and I'm excited about it!

Jami and Rob said...

That is so funny - I just ran my first 10K race last Saturday too! What are the chances! Except you were much faster than me. My goal was just to not walk and not pass out and I accomplished both of those! I do love running now too, which is new for me. Way to go - that's a super fast time! Keep up the great work, you look fabulous!