Sunday, December 4, 2011

Olympia Thanksgiving

So, I better finish November before December ends. We spent Thanksgiving in Olympia with the entire family + Grandma and Grandpa +Aunt London. What a full house. I loved being home with all my brothers and sisters. As each family gets bigger, gatherings like this get fewer. I feel blessed we were able to spend almost a week together in one big house. Yes it was crazy, but it was well worth it.

Mom did an incredible job feeding us all. She is the perfect hostess. We all love cooking and cleaning up and the cooking some more together.

Latin Farms Outing

Looking at the cows

Dirty, Cold, Duck Races

Animal lover just like her mom
No more yummy fritter. It's in our tummies.

Russell and baby Oliver
Morning Stories with G. Papa

Fighting over the baby
All the cousins on One couch
The "Kids" Thanksgiving Table
The none kid table

PJ's and Play dough

Goofy TJ and Wes

Feasting Party
Working in the Kitchen
G. Papa Time
Carson and Grandma

Sitting with Grandma G.

Pink Princesses
Pomegranate Salad

A little competitions with the Duck Races

1 comment:

Beth and Wes said...

I love that pic of savanah and amelia fighting over sydney!! It's so funny!