Monday, February 13, 2012

A Black Eye and a Loose Tooth

Amelia nailed my eye with her forehead 20 minutes before church a few weeks ago. I had this weird feeling my eye was filling up with fluid and sure enough it was. I took one look in the mirror and thought of the Rocky episode where Rocky tells his trainer to cut him because he can't see out of his swollen eye. I immediately iced it while feeding the kids breakfast. Trevor was in early morning meetings, so I didn't have any help getting to church. Surprisingly enough, we made it on time.
This is actually a really mild picture of my eye. I wish I would have taken a picture a few days later because it was a total black eye, even underneath.

TJ lost his first tooth Wednesday at playgroup. He was eating a pear. We couldn't find the tooth anywhere, and then my friend Ellen suggested looking at the pear. Sure enough, there it was. What a great moment for him and me. The tooth fairy came that night and left him some money, which he spent the next day on a spider man watch from the dollar store (which is working great for a dollar watch).

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