Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Father's Day Weekend

 Father's Day Weekend ended up being quite a sad weekend for our family. My parents and Carson were coming down for the weekend to hear Trevor and Russell talk in church Sunday.  Since my Dad and Carson were training for the STP (Seattle to Portland bike ride) they decided to ride to Vancouver Saturday. While they were riding their bikes from Olympia to Vancouver my Dad got in a serious bike accident when a small dog ran out in front of him at 28 miles per hour. They were in Woodland, only 20 miles from Vancouver when it happened. He ended up in the hospital with three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a torn AC. Such a sad way to spend father's day weekend.

My Grandparents were in town visiting my Aunt and we were all supposed to spend the weekend together. My grandparents and Aunt still came over Sunday to hear the talks and then share a special meal together, and then my grandparents headed to Olympia to visit my dad in the hospital.

Trevor getting breakfast in bed Saturday morning (he had early Sunday meetings). This is before the accident.
Pictures with G. Papa and Grandma G.
Our Sunday meal together. I cooked a rib roast:)

We made a birthday cake for Carson since his birthday was Friday

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