Monday, November 8, 2010

Grandma Kathy's Halloween Costumes

Growing up my mom would always come up with the most fantastic Halloween costumes. Since Trevor and I were in Hawaii for the week before Halloween, my mom created costumes for TJ, Russell, Amelia, Grandpa Dean, Carson and herself (all while tending my three kids). We have Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Wendy, a pirate, and Tinkerbell. The Friday before Halloween my parents took my kids to their ward Halloween party. Needless to say the costumes were a hit. THANKS MOM!

Not only did she make everyone great costumes, but she then lent them to Trevor and me so we could dress up with the kids Halloween night. Disney would be proud. Trevor really enjoyed the Hook costume. His scruff from not shaving on our trip added to the look.


Chelsea said...

Love love those costumes. Look at you all tan Mrs. Wendy. So cute, thats cool that you got to wear them too! Love ya!

Beth and Wes said...

Those turned out great!! Mom is so talented!!

Debbie Deerwester said...

Everyone is so stinkin' cute!!!!!! The costumes look fabulous. Your mom needs to open a business.