Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Russell

We celebrated Russell's 5th Birthday, yesterday at our home. He had a lego party with his friends. He had been counting down the days for months. I really enjoy seeing him so excited about something special like a birthday. Trevor went in for work early so he could be home in time to help with the party. He pretty much ran the show, which I really appreciated. 
 I hired two of our favorite babysitting sisters to make this Lego Ninjago cake for Russell's party. They did a fantastic job! Russell showed each guest his cake as they arrived.

 Lego time in the preschool room

 Russell insisted on party hats
 bottle spin for present opening
 Russell wanted Sushi for his birthday dinner, so we took Carol (who watched Amelia during the actual boy party), and went to MIO Sushi

We were all totally exhausted by the end of the day.

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