Friday, April 9, 2010

Olympia Easter Weekend

We spent Easter Weekend in Olympia with Grandma and Grandpa Russell. Christian, Heather, Savvy and Drake also came up to enjoy the holiday together. The cousins colored eggs, hunted for candy, and caught a little conference.

Trying to get a cousin shot...

hold still...

OK, we'll just be happy with this.

Amelia and Drake doing tummy time

Russell with his candy

The basement egg hunt

Eating our spoils
Grandma and Amelia watching from the sidelines

Coloring Eggs

The kids wanted to color eggs in their underwear

Trevor making a funny face

1 comment:

claire said...

Emy you haven't changed a bit. It is so fun to see your family. Thanks for keeping me on your list. I'm working in YWs now so I'm always trying to remember how wacky we actually were back then when I try to relate to the girls now. Pretty wacky.