Friday, April 9, 2010

OMSI with Three

My OMSI membership ran out last month so for the last week of March I packed all three kids into the car around 3:00 each afternoon and took them to the Museum until it closed at 5:30. From OMSI we drove to Dad's work to take him home each evening. I'm finally feeling like I can get out with three. The children's room is the perfect place for my kids because there is only one door out. The boys can play in the sand, water or blocks, and Amelia and I can walk around and supervise. It feels good to be out and about again.

Amelia working on tummy time with TJ

The block town TJ built

drooling baby girl

Russell spent most of his time in the sand. I didn't get a good picture of him


Jessica and Matt said...

Your kids are so beautiful! A perfect combination of you and Trevor. We think about you guys a lot. Can't tell you how much we miss getting together with you and Clint & Mayka. Those were good times!

Andy and Ellen Family said...

Andy got me an OMSI pass for Christmas that lets me take 2 extra adults and 8 kids. Timmy would love it if TJ came with us! Lets plan a day.