Thursday, April 1, 2010

Our First Pets

A few weeks ago we went to a carnival put on by the Middle School I taught at six years ago. The boys had lots of fun playing games and eating junk food. The highlight of the experience was when I threw a ball in a small jar of water and won two goldfish. We stopped at Fred Myer on the way home for fish food. The boys named the fish the Nemo Brothers. The first brother lived until the next morning before he had to be flushed down the toilet to "go back to the ocean" as Trevor put it. The second Nemo Brother lived a little longer before he followed. Neither fish made it through the week. The boys were a little disappointed but decided they would be ok and just win more fish at the next carnival.

So many quality treats to choose from

The Nemo Brothers

Amelia being a good baby

1 comment:

Beth and Wes said...

Amelia looks just like you Emy!! She is so cute and getting to big!!